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Introduction to APA7 Referencing In-Person / Online
APA 7th edition- What do these funny letters stand for and why does it matter to you? Do you have a basic understanding of these letters but still have trouble getting the caPital letterS in The cOrrEct plaCe. What about all the com,mas, full. stops. and italics.
If you are asking these questions, this practical workshop is for you!
The training will cover:
- The principles behind referencing.
- In-text citation and reference list
- Where to get additional support for APA referencing.
Related LibGuide: APA 7th Edition Referencing by Lake Macquarie Librarian
- Date:
- Tuesday, March 18, 2025
- Time:
- 3:30pm - 4:30pm
- Time Zone:
- Sydney, Melbourne (change)
- Campus:
- LMC Campus
- Audience:
- Under Graduate Students